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How I went from overworked “yes girl” to helping thousands of online entrepreneurs build a life and business they love.

Before there was a top-ranked business podcast. Before the best-selling online courses. Before the multiple 7-figure revenues and 250,000+ loyal subscribers…there was a corporate “yes” girl.

Eager to please.

Desperate for approval.

Scared to death of making it out on her own no matter how many times she belted out Don’t Stop Believing in her little green Jeep(Read more about my early days here on Forbes.)

I didn’t have a smooth ride into entrepreneurship.

While my high powered corporate days saw me launching major campaigns for Harley Davidson and flexing my marketing muscles for legendary performance coach and speaker, Tony Robbins…

The shift into “being my own boss” was anything but “high powered.”

When I finally did “take the leap”, I was plagued by a chronic case of second-guessing, shiny-object syndrome, and a battering sense of “not enoughness” that made everything feel 1,000,000X harder than it should.

And when I finally did start to get a bit of traction in my business…

… I quickly realized:

“I’m building the wrong freakin’ business”

The first few years were rough.

I didn’t hit eject from my cushy corporate gig and land softly on a stack of bills.

Every small “win” was marred by an even bigger hit of self-doubt, sunk costs and a shooting pain inside my entrepreneurial gut that taunted me with a crippling sense of “not enoughness’

Long hours spent in front of the screen without the cash flow to justify it.

Painful “heart-to-hearts” with friends and family, desperately trying to convince them that success was just around the corner.

Missed football games where my son Cade was left wondering why his “cheering” section was depressingly thin.

Botched webinars.

Half-finished products.

And a list so small (and growing so slowly) I could literally memorize every subscriber’s name and recite them on command.

And when I finally did get traction:

I realized that I had built the wrong business.

Burning myself out with 1-on-1 consulting, which, on paper, gave me the right to call myself a “self-sustaining” entrepreneur…

When in reality, I knew that I was simply building another people-pleasing “job” for myself that put everyone else’s big dreams ahead of my own.

So I took a final stand.

I discovered how to optimize and automate those efforts so that I would never have to explain to my son Cade why I missed another football game.

And best of all…

I’ve had the honor of helping thousands of online experts, educators and entrepreneurs like you sidestep years of struggle and build amazing online businesses of their own.


Action by action.

Over the years, I’ve developed a reputation for teaching things “action-by-action”.

Not just “step by step”…

But actually going into the nitty gritty details that give you the confidence to build amazing, profitable systems in your business without the crazy tech freak outs and crippling overwhelm.

I’ve shown entrepreneurs not only how to “DIY” but how to DO IT BETTER than that freelancer who quoted half your annual marketing budget just to whip up a few lines of code.

I’m able to do this, because I teach what I know.

I teach what I’ve personally done to build a time-leveraged, multiple 7-figure online business that doesn’t rely on 80 hour work weeks or team of 40 just to keep afloat.

If you like what you’re reading and want to get started with my free online marketing resources right away, check out one of my special “how-to” guides » 

Are you ready to take the REAL, momentum-building action steps for building a profitable online business that you love?


If I hear one more marketer drop the old phrase “you have to be willing to do the work”, I might just whip out my terrible towel (any Steelers Fans out there?) and summon the team’s entire defensive line to do my evil bidding.

Because I know you’re ready to do the work.

That’s why you’re here.

That’s why you left your 9-5 (or are in the midst of mapping out your escape plan).

That’s why “date” night involves a venti latte and 5 baristas placing bets trying to figure out what it is you do.

That’s why you’ve invested REAL hours and real dollars trying to make this whole online business thing pay off.

By reading this, you’ve proven that you’re willing to DO the work – you just want to make absolutely sure you’re doing the RIGHT work at the RIGHT time.

And feel confident that every bit of effort you invest will pay off 100x.

You're in the right place and I'm glad you're here! 

-- Amy





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